Wednesday, May 20, 2009

How Much More Can One Book Give?

After getting a third of the way through, I have called time of death on Pride & Prejudice. Sorry, but it was miserable. Even worse than the fact that I cared nothing about these people, the writing itself was outrageously clunky. Blocky blockiness that instead of feeling as if you're cruising, made you feel like you were trying to run through giant wooden blocks. Physically wearing to even say the words in order. Ugh.

So I'm reading Remembrance of Things Past, which is the exact opposite - it's extreme wordiness does the work FOR you, pulling you through as if sailing on air. AND, as the natural godfather to my beloved Peter Leroy, laugh out loud funny.


The best part?

Someone mentions some guy named Bressant; the notes section tells us that Bressant is a well-known actor "who introduced a hair-style which involved wearing the hair short in front and fairly long behind."


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