Wednesday, May 20, 2009

I'm Amazing (Duh)

The baby-armed rejects over at the UG are blathering about American Idol. I don't know what the fuck they're talking about except it sounds like "I'm into fags." But it did remind me of my brilliance from this old Things are Good post:
6) When is someone from ‘American Idol’ finally gonna do what I’ve been screaming at those limp-wristed ‘Apprentice’ faggots to do for years? I’ve always said that if I was on the ‘Apprentice’, let’s face of it, the odds of you actually winning are fairly slim. BUT when you get fired, instead of genuflecting “Thank you King Trump, thank you!” and slinking off, I’ve always thought you should fucking flip out, cause a scene. “WHAT? YOU’RE firing me? FUCK THAT, I’M firing YOU, motherfucker!!!” and try to flip that table over. Cause you KNOW that there’s a million hotshots around the world that HATE Trump and when they see the clip of you telling T-rump to go fuck himself, they’ll hire you for $200,000/year just to hang out, smoke cigars and tell everyone how you told Trump to go fuck himself. Genius, right? Same with Idol. Instead of thanking Simon after he tells you you’re the worst singer in the world, flip the fuck out on him. You’d be instantly famous and could really cash in, instead of having to compete with 20,000 other people and actually having to be, you know, talented. We’re still having that William Hung guy fucking pop up for chrissake, he’s still ca$hing in. Camon people, think!!

Why did I retire my funny bear pictures??!??!!

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