Friday, May 15, 2009

Marley Loves The West Wing!

KATZENMOYER: I'm in your own party!
JOSH: Doesn't seem to be doing us much good now, does it?

One thing Marley prolly got right HERE is the Democrats insisting on playing the victim despite having the majority in the house and Senate (and obviously the White House.) Having been given power they don't know what to do with it, and instead of pushing through the progressive policies we all voted for they seem intent on whiling away the days desperately trying the please the minority (including the minority within their own party.)

I've bitched and cried many times about such jagoffs as Evan Bayh HERE; but Marley reminded me today that Clinton got a lot of shit done with a Congress that was ruled by the opposition party. So maybe the problem isn't ONLY people like Bayh; maybe Obama just isn't really good at his job right now. In particular getting Congressmen like Bayh to see things his way.
Of course Clinton didn't come outta the gate knowing what he was doing either - one thing we know is Obama is a smart dude, so it would stand to reason he'll learn and self-correct.

And speaking of Clinton, Marley's mention that you're lucky if at the end of Obama's presidency you'd get 1.5 things from your wish list accomplished reminded me of a quote from Joe Klein's The Natural, in which Clinton compared being president to moving a huge boulder up a mountain. Inch by inch, slowly grueling and getting rolled back every other day. The sausage don't get made overnight!

Of course I'd love for Obama to send Josh Lyman to Evan Bayh and his gang of idiots, but I guess that's just not gonna happen. Josh is, after all, NOT A REAL PERSON. And that makes me sad :(

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

Yes, Lyman is a fictional character but Rahm Emmanuel IS a real person, if you get my drift.