Friday, July 10, 2009

Inherit the Douchebag

There are many ways in which I am a complete douchebag, and one is that I was about to post a haughty, aren’t-i-brilliant post using the quote “He who troubleth his own house shall inherit the wind,” and apply it to the irony of the GOP being in such ignorant lockstep with obsessing that it’s important to keep everything as it was in 1955 and simply saying “America is awesome!!!” over and over while proudly claiming to only read and believe one book, of which the quote is from. I would post it, then pat myself on the back, as obviously I pulled the quote out of thin air, maybe having read Inherit the Wind years and years ago and my computer-like brain tracked it down for a specific purpose; my bilious fumes of brilliance knocking you off your feet.

Of course, what it really means is this morning I bought Inherit the Wind to read on the train home after work. Sigh. I’m such an ass.

1 comment:

Gina said...

"bilious fumes of brilliance"

Specific purpose accomplished.