Thursday, August 20, 2009

Carry Me Back to This Dude's an Asshole

I pick on Eric Cantor a lot because he's from my home state and is a Jew. Whoops, I mean fucking idiot. And my being a left-wing, commie pinko liberal faggot means it's not outside the realm of possibility that one might think I only do so cause he's a Republican.

But now we have a new jackass to focus on in my home state, and he's a Democrat: Rick Boucher, who had this to say the other night:
"I have a problem with this government option plan," Boucher said. "I'm troubled that the government option plan could become very popular and if it became sufficiently popular it could begin to crowd out the other" private insurance companies.

That's right - next time voters head to the polls, they should remember that Rick Voucher is more worried about private insurance companies than themselves and vote accordingly. Douchebag.

Nice to see being a complete corporate hack isn't uniquely Republican, eh? Maybe some more GOP will rub off on the Democrats, a la Yglesias re: their legislating style:
Hatch is specifically asked a question about Kennedy’s possible incapacitation, simply ignores it, and then goes on to lie to totally mischaracterize the public option debate. And on some level, why not? It’s all in the game and Hatch is playing to win. But that means progressive legislators need to play to win, too, not let procedural obstruction prevent them from passing good bills.

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