Thursday, August 20, 2009

Chad Knocks

If I was an All-Pro, multi-millionaire wide receiver and one of the most recognizable, famous players in the NFL I would probably think that I could roll into any club in the country, plop myself down in the middle, put my bare feet up on a table, do whatever I wanted and I would be the main attraction, THE coolest dude in the room, no matter what I was doing, and I wouldn't really care how anyone else thought about what I was doing or drinking.

So imagine my surprise while watching Hard Knocks last night when Chad Johnson (I will not bother to look up his new name) went to a club and ordered a Red Bull with cranberry. My first thought was well, he's in training, or just doesn't drink, whatever. And it turns out he doesn't drink. Okay. But then he goes on to say that he orders that particular drink because it LOOKS like a cocktail, and in doing so he doesn't feel like an outsider, some sort of outcast for not actually drinking while at the club. I was floored - both by his honesty, and the very fact that someone of his status could even possibly feel that awkward in a crowd in the first place. It's amazing how human people can be. And now, instead of kinda rolling my eyes every time he rolls out one of his many quotes throughout the year, I will always kinda root for him a little bit out of the corner of my heart. My new favorite non-Cowboy! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Xmastime woulda blocked Ochocinco's extra point, the Pats are Fgts!!!