Monday, August 17, 2009

A Fallows Reader

On healthcare:
"I'm not sure if it has been pointed out yet, but the whole "Death Panel" bullshit is especially ironic given that the ability of insurance companies to grant/deny access to healthcare is effectively a death panel. Can't afford a plan? Tough luck. Not eligible for whatever reason? Tough luck."

This is what I've been breathing into your ears for months now. I'm still baffled re: peoples' outrage to keep in place a system of which none of us knows anybody who has had an even remotely pleasurable experience with; as with their voting and tea party efforts to keep the wealthy as rich as possible, people are seemingly furious with the thought of taking money out of the pockets of the people who could bankrupt them should they have the un-American, socialist nerve to get sick and need medical care.

And it somehow falls in line with my thoughts yesterday - insurance companies pick the one thing they actually do (ration care as they please) and use that particular thing to scare people with ("oh my god, they're gonna ration your care as they please!!!") and people fall for it. Awesome.

I wonder if this works with chicks? Some hot chick is dating some dude, can you scream at her repeatedly that the dude is going to wanna bang her in the ass until she's so scared she opens up her backdoor for you?

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