Wednesday, October 07, 2009

And Goshdarnit, I'm GOOD Enough!

A few things are interesting about Al Franken getting some bipartisan support for his bill that allows sexual assault victims from companies such as Halliburton to actually take their cases to court. You know, like a country that even somewhat believes in civil or human rights might get behind.

First of all, it's funny that Republicans are actually okay with supporting sensible legislation if it doesn't offer them a chance to howl like maniacs; ie you know that if this bill had been made more public or, god forbid, Obama had mentioned it on tv, the very same 10 republicans that voted for the bill would be screaming in front of cameras at Town Hall meetings that Che Obama bin Laden was taking away the rights of rapists and, in turn, raping the American Dream. But there was no news to be made here, so they did the right thing. Oh don't fret, 30 Republicans still stuck to their guns and did the incredibly wrong thing, so don't lose hope out there, Republicans. Remarkable.

Also interesting is Jeff Sessions' knee-jerk insistence on protecting Halliburton, and not being particularly concerned with protecting someone who was gang-raped and then stuffed into a shipping container for 24 hours. THAT's pretty cool.

Mostly though, I see this:
Jones was prevented from bringing charges in court against KBR because her employment contract stipulated that sexual assault allegations would only be heard in private arbitration.
What the fuck? I know I live in a Pollyanna world of rainbows and reruns of Curious George, but are there really employment contracts that have clauses about "oh, by the way, just in case you're raped"? Really?  Good to know if Xmastime ever gets staffed, I reckon.

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