Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Fuck the Whales: A Modest Proposal

Plankton is apparently so plentiful out there in the ocean that a whale can eat so much of it so as to keep it's 172 metric-ton figure even while spending 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year swimming. What the fuck? Can't we be putting plankton to better use? Hey whales, I'm sorry, but why can't plankton, found all over the Earth in a seemingly endless supply and not just in every hellhole that requires wars and religious fanatacism, be used to run cars? And hell, without the whales we'll hacve all that extra space to work with!

You're welcome, world!

Now here's my girlfriend with some sexy whale-tail blowing me (notice how far away I'm standing heh heh heh)


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