Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Email Correspondence with GodIHateYourBand...

...during last night's Springsteen performance at the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame joint on HBO (wherein Bruce was fucking awesome, btw...HOWEVER...in reading this article, I see HBO skipped over Badlands, Da Doo Ron Ron AND London Calling?!?!??  REALLY??!?!?! WTF!???!?!!!!)

e street band sounds thin. oh wait, patti isn't playing guitar

oh, look. Bruce wants to talk about the hard times in america. play Marys Place and shut the fuck up, mofo!!!!

steven looks like granny

my bad. this tom joad is pretty awesome. always loved that cut. and how come morello sings better than zach de la rocha?

ive spent the last  three minutes thinking "Derek Jeter plays guitar? wtf?"

peter wolf? really? i thought it was fred armisen. or michael jackson. yeesh.

sigh. Bruce cutting heads with Morello is like Eddie Wilson trying to teach Rick Diesel. "the musics in the silences!"

i see fogerty found bruce's hair dye backstage.

we're having a fun time doing van halen covers and he has to inject his stupid jungle book song????

i want to punch bruce in the face

maybe the worst song ever. did lou reed do street hassle just to make fun of him?

thank fucking god. now if danny glover would just walk out, stop the song, grab darlene love by the  hand and do the "i'm too old for this shit" line

also i noted to myself you know, jeff beck gets wheeled out for every show like this, and every rock doc for the last 45 years. isnt it time he wrote a song?

"i wanna die with you wendy before this douchebag sings on my song again"

was billy joel in Futurama? i mean, was there a fat, alien manatee character?


Marley said...

Marley can't make it this weekend. What are you and godihateyourband doing for the holidays travel-wise?

Xmastime said...


ill ask GodIHateYourWarOnChristmas. but right now, it feels like Santa pulled all the toys out from under the tree!!!!