Thursday, December 10, 2009

Global Warming

We're hearing a lot about the upcoming battle in Copenhagen, and "ClimateGate" Wars and on and on and on. Well, by that I guess I mean Sarah Palin is talking about it, to the tune of "yeah it's happening, but we didn't cause it so we can ignore it." You know, like we do wildfires in CA, or if an asteroid was headed for the planet.

But as I've been writing on Xmastime for years now, somebody needs to explain to me why it makes a difference whether or not global warming is caused by man for us to do anything about it. We're seemingly at a crossroads when it comes to our energy sources, we're drawn into wars because of old energy sources, and we have thousands of people looking to be put to work as quickly as possible. Certainly there would be nothing MORE "American" than seizing upon this opportunity and making a gazillion bucks off it. Which means of course it's gonna take a Republican either figuring this out, or having one of his kids eaten by a polar bear who's wandered into Kansas for everybody to agree to do something about it as a collective force. As I said HERE:
The funny thing about Global Warming to me is that despite their best efforts to both cause it and fight against it's being corrected, when the final tipping point comes and there is no choice but to solve the problem, you can be for damn sure that via either some version of the Shock Doctrine or sheer chutzpah it will be the Republicans that manage to capitalize off it, both economically and politically. I.E. if it was to happen today, Bush and Cheney would make kabillions of dollars from it, while Gore would get zippo. Bank on it.
Global warming should be seen as an opportunity being handed to us on a silver platter. And we can be the guy who takes advantage of it and makes the world a better place for it. Or we could be this idiot.

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