Monday, January 18, 2010

Coakley/Brown, Stupid Chowderheads

There is a strangeness to the fact that one year into his first term, Obama could possibly be watching what may be considered THE go-to liberal state of the union, one that he won by almost 26%, become seemingly so exasperated with him that they will elect a Republican to sit at, of all people, Ted Kennedy's seat in the Senate. Seriously, the irony in Massachusetts becoming the state that kills healthcare reform for another generation is something you couldn't have scripted on any level. And, I mean, 26%? and they're pissed already? REEEally? And their solution is to turn back the clock to 2004?

This makes me think of the frog who is placed in a pot of water, and the water temperature continually gets raised until it's at the boiling point, but the frog survives because it eventually climbs out of the pot. But then, after about 10 seconds, it's pissed off things aren't 100% better and, instead of either showing some patience or leaving the pot to look around for an alternative, simply jumps right back into the boiling pot. Incredible.

1 comment:

Marley said...


A year in, and the safest seat the Democrats have ever had is imperiled, thus threatening a wildly unpopular health care bill that should terrify liberals and conservatives alike (no public option, cash payouts to Louisiana for a vote, exemptions for Medicare payments for Nebraska, a completely closed process presided over by Pelosi and Reid that will now simply bypass conference, and the most wondrous indignity - an exemption for unions from the "cadillac tax" just to get this monstrosity passed) and where does Xmastime find the fault?

Why, with the stupid rubes whose only solution is to "turn back the clock to 2004."

The burden of such genius must be heavy. The "littles" can be so foolish and meddling. It's enough to even vex Josh, Sam and CJ!

Nice frog, though.