Tuesday, April 20, 2010

David Magee Show

I got hired for my first post-college job by calling the owner of Sir Speedy in Oxford, Mississippi from the English phone booth in the Square and convincing him to hire me for the graphic designer job despite the fact I barely knew how to turn my new Mac Perfoma on/off, had no experience with ANYthing, and had no idea what graphic design was anyway. Not only did he hire me, but he stuck with me over the next two weeks during which I was stuck in Virginia in two feet of snow, despite the fact that he probably thought my story about the snow was bullshit, him living in MS.

Anyway, that guy was David Magee, and we had a lot of fun over the next two years. He printed the covers for The Happy Scene ep for free for me, which puts him in The Happy Scene Hall of Fame...which, now, has one member. He also kept the store stocked with outrageously hot Ole Miss sorority girls, which is even better. I can still remember this girl Caroline that would come into the store every once in a while. I was in love. Course, I never talked to her, but I'm getting sidetracked here.

Even then you could tell the guy was destined to be in the public - he had that way of delivering bad news in a way that made people happy. Charismatic, could talk about anything. I always thought he'd run for President one day.

Since then he's written a bunch of books (including ones on Jerry Jones, Carlos Ghosen, Southern food and his upcoming Jeff Immelt and the New GE Way: Innovation, Transformation and Winning in the 21st Century) and has a GREAT radio and tv show you can listen to HERE. Even though I know less about business than I do about German midget tickle porn, I will listen, as there's always some nugget in there for everybody (like today - don't invest in airline stock! Thanks - I won't!)

Dave Magee for preznit in 2016!!!!

note - it cracks me up to hear him talk about the weather. Nothing made this guy happier than when you asked him about the weather - dude would go home in the middle of the day to stare at the Weather Channel  :)

side  note: obviously I'm angling for free copies of THIS and THIS from Dave...aw fuck it, any of THESE!

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