Saturday, July 31, 2010

The Lottery

Watching HBO's doc about lottery winners Lucky makes me think of two things. First of all, if I ever won the lottery I'd hope I'd at least have the brains to immediately put Brothatime!! in charge of the money, to be doled out as needed. Otherwise, I would blow the shit in about four days on Sham-Wow! products and Nigerian princes. I'd buy a fucking grizzly bear and great white shark and enroll them both in private schools. There is no doubt in mind this would happen. Having Brothatime!! in charge would be  a win-win for me: I would never run out of the money, and if he ripped me off, he'd burn in hell forever for getting a Tonka truck on MY seventh birthday (ooooh, I didn't choose quickly enough for you...eff you, Mother dearest!!!!!)

Also, it reminds me of the time in 7th grade when Mr. Russell's class performed Shirley Jackson's The Lottery. I can't remember who I played, for some reason I'm thinking Devareaux, but I might not know what the fuck I'm talking about. Maybe The Gnat remembers who he played?

Also what I think of is this creepy "Bo is watching" lotto numbers.

Here's a pretty cool reading of it.

And a film made in 1969 that you can follow along with on YouTube:

Larry Yust's short film, The Lottery (1969), produced as part of Encyclopædia Britannica's 'Short Story Showcase' series, was ranked by the Academic Film Archive "as one of the two bestselling educational films ever". It has an accompanying ten-minute commentary film, Discussion of "The Lottery" by USC English professor Dr. James Durbin.  

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