Saturday, July 31, 2010

Planet Hopes

Xmastime HERE:
So it looks like there are "billions of other Earths" throughout the universe. Which makes sense to me; I've always assumed that what we don't even know about the vastness of the universe would have to make us assume that there's as much chance that there is "life on other planets" as there would be that there isn't.

Xmas' thoughts on such things and UFOs HERE.
And now apparently we're very close to finding those other Earths. I hope the chicks on them are really hot, and will be curious enough about my own exotic brand of girth and sloth that I will be like Brad Pitt to them!!!!  That, coupled with them having discovered the secret to living forever = Xmastime getting strange from here to eternity would not be the worst news I've ever heard. I'll represent Earth, knock on their door with a "Welcome!" cake, and get whisked away to my new life as intergalactic fuckpig. Sigh. Fingers crossed!

Oh yeah, and there's also a planet that has a tale. That's fucking creepy.

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