Sunday, September 19, 2010

Food today has a series of "What's life really like in locker rooms," and this photo in particular cracks me up because it reminds me of one of the more curious things about rich people (I won't go into an "it's a microcosm for the outrageous growth in income disparity in the country," cause that would be gay.)

The minimum Major League salary is $400K, or 10x the median income for the US (and as much as the President makes.) And that's THE MINIMUM - there's a zillion guys making $10M a year. A-Rod has made $400K since I last typed "$400K."

But on TOP of already being filthy rich, they get a per diem for food when traveling!!  I'm not sure what the number is, I've seen numbers from $85 to $250 a day, but it's pretty funny that after signing a player for $5M a year the team goes "well, now we hafta feed him, obviously."

And then on TOP OF THAT, every single locker room always has massive spreads of food for it's players! Wtf? "Okay, if you spent the $5M, and all your food money, which somehow seems harder to do than blowing through the $5M, here's a table filled with enough food to feed Africa."

And then on top of that, when was the last time you think Derek Jeter paid for a meal? You think restaurants even let him pretend to reach fo his wallet anymore? You have a better chance of finding cash of the goddam Queen of England.

Anyway, whole thing seems pretty funny to me.

UPDATE: I have now seen some articles claiming that the only reason that players get the per diem is because if they don't, then other team personnel who aren't highly paid wouldn't get it.

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