Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I Got Greedy. Flew Too Close To the Sun on Wings of Pastrami.

 Absurd shit HERE:
The U.S. Department of Agriculture is giving $2 million to food behavior scientists to use marketing tricks to encourage kids to pick fruits and veggies over cookies and french fries.

Some of the ideas include hiding chocolate milk behind plain milk, putting the salad bar near checkout, placing fruit in pretty baskets and accepting only cash as payment for desserts.
One thing that's been proven over and over again is when kids eat fresh vegetables and stay away from fried sugar crap for lunch, their GRADES and health improve dramatically (and for you pretend conservatives out there, it's fucking cheaper.)

So why are we paying $2M to coax these kids into making a correct "choice"? Of COURSE they'd rather fucking have french fries!  But they'd also rather be reading fucking comic books - do we give them the choice between reading Batman or Light in August? Of course not. For fuck's sake already. If you wanna pass, read the fucking book we tell you to. If you wanna eat, eat what we're serving you.  Don't like it, have your mother home-school so you can have no friends, you little shit.

I understand that it's very important that we pump a gazillion dollars into the coffers of Agragon, or Aragon or whatthefuckever the fucking private company profiting off making these kids fat and dumb is, since you pretend libertarians out there would rather be fooled into being told what to do by a private company than the government since of course one day you might inexplicably end up as CEO of that company, and you sleep better at night knowing the evil gub'ment can't force little Johnny to eat fresh vegetables the same way a private company can force little Johnny to shoot corn syrup straight into his heart, but come the fuck on.

Previous food frustration HERE.

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