Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's Not a Lie If You Believe It.

I understand that most of the ridiculously high number of Obama's appointees have been obstructed for purely partisan bullshit reasons, such as some fucking jerkoff from Alabama claiming that a Nobel Prize winner in Economics isn't quite up to his own mark of excellence in the field of macroeconomics,* but at least these obstructionists have for the most part pretended to remotely understand a reason that Appointee X shouldn't be appointed, right?

But Mary Landrieu's demands HERE seem like straight-up blackmail, don't they? Doesn't she hafta at least pretend that Jack Lew is incompetent when it comes to this particular case, at least TRY to connect him directly to her cause? Is this what's it's come to; the people and the media are so stupid pols don't even hafta pretend to try to fool us anymore? Why not just say "no lift of the hold until my bathtub is filled with Big Macs"?

Fucking hell.

*“Professor Diamond is a skilled economist and certainly an expert on tax policy and on the Social Security system,” Shelby said back in July. “However, I do not believe he’s ready to be a member of the Federal Reserve Board. I do not believe that the current environment of uncertainty would benefit from monetary policy decisions made by board members who are learning on the job.”
Diamond is an MIT professor in economics who taught Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke. Today, Diamond was announced as the co-winner of the 2010 Nobel Prize in economics.
His area of expertise? As the Nobel Committee explained:
“Why are so many people unemployed at the same time that there are a large number of job openings? How can economic policy affect unemployment? This year’s Laureates have developed a theory which can be used to answer these questions.”
Yeah, who needs anybody with expertise like that at a time like this? 

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