Saturday, November 06, 2010

Wasted Opportunity

Oh goody, more GOP governors fulfilling their constituencies' wishes to NOT bring in jobs and progress that could drag them into the 20th century (yes, I said 20th and not the 21st.) Awesome.

Eventually, Obama is going to hafta play hardball with these governors. So far, the script has gone like this:

1) people elect a governor who plays to their "please, PLEASE fuck me over!" instincts
2) Governor makes a big splash in the media refusing federal money, "we can take care of ourselves!" etc etc
3) Later when nobody's paying attention, Governor accepts the money
4) Governor goes around patting himself on the back for "creating new jobs" with the federal money everyone is still under the impression he so bravely refused.
5) Rinse, lather, repeat.

Eventually, Obama's gonna hafta cut them off at Step 3. "Oh, I'm sorry - you said you didn't want the money, so I gave yours to Maine."  Only when there are actual consequences for political grandstanding to get easy points from the baffled over choosing whats in the best interest of one's state will this shit stop. Eventually even stupidity has a price, and these people thinking they're "pulling themselves up by their own bootstraps!" et al should be able to have to do so if they keep insisting on it.

Ed. Note: in their defense, I suppose upgrading our high-speed rail would turn us into France, and then we'd be a step away from being able to legally marry our favorite fast food meals, so.

Modest Proposal: tell these governors that if they refuse the money, it goes to black people. See how quickly they take it then!  ;)

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