Saturday, November 06, 2010

Reality Show Nonsense (As If There's Another Kind)

One thing I've noticed about any celebrity reality show is there's always an episode where the person is moving. And then when the weekend to move is approaching, OH SHIT!!!!! So and so has to be in _______ that day, oh no, how the fuck is she going to move now?!?!?!!?  Panicky hijinks ensue!! Oh, shit!!!  

"I have to move, but I'm going to be out of town!!!!!  How am I going to do this?!!?!?!!"

Gee, I dunno. This is a tough one. how are you going to possiblyOOOOOH WAIT, NOW I REMEMBER...YOU'RE FUCKING RICH!!  You're a millionaire with a personal staff the size of a small goddam town!! But no, we're supposed to be wringing our hands with each commercial break "oh no, how is she going to pull this off!?!?!?  Doesn't she hafta personally carry every single box herself?!?!?!?!"

Fucking christ. You can move your new town to you if you fucking want, but no, we hafta think  you're the fucking Joads. Grrr.

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