Monday, December 13, 2010

How Much More Can One Show Give???!??!?!

Sniffy oh-so-cleverly set up the whole "Sniff 'n Kate" episode to juxtapose her own "non-diva, aw shucks scrappy frontierwoman" persona against Kate's "diva, doesn't wanna get dirty elitist" one. Money shot being Sniffy saying something like "well, if I had to go to some red carpet event I'm sure I'd be freaked out too."

Yes. If there's one thing this idiot has tries deflect, it's glamour and attention.

The overreach is beyond the ridiculous - Kate Gosselin is from a small town of 8,000 that is just as god-fearin' and gun-clutchin' as Palin's, just with smaller animals. Yet Sniff wants to paint her as a mix between Paris Hilton and Jackie O, some sort of socialite elitist. Please. I promise you Kate Gosselin has read even fewer books than Le Sniff and has way fewer high-class hob-nobbing friends. They're both worthless, but at least Kate Gosselin LITERALLY has enough sense to come in out of the rain, while Sniffy just blathers away about the nobility of being a fucking idiot.

I come from "real America," a tiny town of uber-rednecks and their women, and I promise you that exactly 0% of the women would say "stand in the rain for a few hours waiting to freeze to death while cooking some hot dogs? Ohh, YEAH!!!"


Anonymous said...

Sniff....just wiping the rain draining out of my upturned elitist nose. Hey, that's what Grizzly sows do, scare little children and eat them and their mamas. Why in the world would a person, let alone a person so desperately seeking the electorate's favor, constantly pick vicious, self-centered, nasty-tempered, anti-social animal avatars to describe herself? Not blaming the beasts--it's in their nature, but we don't elect them to govern us. Rear up, Mama Griz, and high tail it outta here. No more scraps for you. You never play nice and you leave such a mess.

Simon said...

Ya scooped the words right out of my brain with a spork - and I'm sure the same goes for any thinking person aware of Palin's plastic little world of self aggrandizement and victim-hood.
I have no doubt her efforts will one day be chronicled in a swell two-part Lifetime TV Movie about the ongoing ruse of right wing America's 'real American' continuous political candidate.

Toast said...

Hi. Came here via Sully's link and I just have to ask... "Sniff"? Why?

Simon said...

That is, FAKE victim-hood...