Monday, December 13, 2010

Snifflaska, Oh Please Fucking Kill Me Already

Sniffy quote I had forgotten til now:
"A lot of people across America probably think we're nerds because we love camping!"
Actually, no. I don't know any nerds that relish sleeping in the woods in a tent, or holding rifles in both hands like Yosemite Sam, desperately trying to blow the brains out of anything that moves. Nerds tend to read books and, you know, know a lot of things. Nobody has gone more out of their way to show disdain for people who read books and went to nerdy colleges, ie the "elites", more than Sniffzilla, who in actuality loathes "nerds."

I gotta quit watching this fucking show.

1 comment:

Kiko Jones said...

I think the term she was, um, shooting for was "geeks", as in "camping geeks". Which is probably an oxymoron anyway.