Monday, December 13, 2010

Solly's Grille

Solly's Grille (butter burger!! wipe the drippings off my chest with the neighbor's cat)
Three years ago it topped my list of the Hamburger America burgers I wanted to try (to this day I've only made it to Louis Lunch, which was a little disappointing), and today the folks over at AHT review Solly's Grille.
Look closely at your burger when it arrives—you'll see a thick layer of not-yet-melted butter smeared on the inside of the top bun. Within a minute, the butter will have melted from the heat of the burger and dribbled into a pool on the plate. You'll notice they typically use small plates for the burgers; one can only assume this is to contain the melted butter neatly around the sponge-like bun.
Nom nom nom!!!!!!!

Added bonus: I'd get to innocently use my racism-as-chinese-waitress-impression. "Ooooh, miso solly!"

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