Monday, December 13, 2010

Sniffing Alaska, PArt KOOJKHNJIAHHU*(*(

Salon HERE reiterates my bewilderment re: "protecting your cubs!" means "placing them in situations with the highest chance of turning into grizzly doo-doo." And they quote something Palin said about her and pretend buddy Kate Gosselin:
"Kate and I have a lot in common -- like we put our children first," says Sarah
What? AGAIN, Sniffy seems to think the fact that if given a choice she'd prefer that her kids NOT drop dead today of AIDS means that she should get the greatest national collective slow clap in the world. What the fuck - she seems to think that years from now, people will sing songs around campfires about "the woman who put her kids first." How on earth does this make for such a unique bond between women? The Chilean Miners, now THEY have a bond felt by few. Palin and Gosselin have a bond shared by...EVERY WOMAN WHO HAS EVER HAD A CHILD ON THIS PLANET!!!!

For fuck's sake.

This show would be a lot less insufferable if it just focused on the kids hanging around the kitchen or some shit. The Piper kid is actually entertaining; could be an all-time reality show character with more screen time. Willow's contempt for Sniffy is fun to watch, as is Bristol's perpetual look of horror that this stupid show is being filmed and she has to be in it. But no, we gotta be treated every week to Sniffy "grappling with the wilderness!!!" etc.

My favorite might be when Sniffs busts Piper cheating on her times tables by using a calculator. She barks at her "that's cheating, you can't do that!" Piper just kinda shrugs her shoulders at her, and Sniffy goes back to clicking away at her blackberry, presumably tweeting away to her Prayer Warriors that she's about to buy a new gun and blow away some stupid fucking bears. Mama Grizzly puts her kids first, but not enough to actually give a shit if her kid learns her times tables.

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