Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Not OK

To their credit, even FOX News is officially disgusted at Republicans blocking the 9/11 respondor's bill.

But Tom Coburn, of all people, being the fly in the ointment on this one is peculiar. I understand how some procedural votes work - once a Senator realizes that his vote won't actually matter in a bill passing or not passing, he votes in a way so as to please the people that hopefully will be voting for him next election, or works out an ol' switcheroo with another Senator. It's the smart thing to do for a politician.

But Coburn represents Oklahoma. As in Oklahoma City. Didn't they have a front-row seat to our biggest "9/11" before 9/11? Of all people, wouldn't they be the most sympathetic to the 9/11 responders?

My best friend from boot camp AND Tech School (AIC Vanchai Vanchaiaku) happened to be from Oklahoma City, and I remember talking to him after the bombing, where he was a first responder EMT, and THAT seemed like a once in a lifetime event. 9/11 was, of course, much worse. And yet the Senator from Oklahoma cannot be bothered to feel any solidarity. Of course, that's namby-pamby hippie shit - I must say, I'm a lot more surprised at his seeming lack of political acumen. I'm fine with "oh, FUCK New York!" from any state, but in this particular instance I'm perplexed. Who is he desperately hoping to piss off more: his fellow right-wingers who are in favor of the bill, or the people from his home state who are suffering from the exact same issues?

Otherwise, can we have every penny sent to OK from NYC after the Oklahoma City Bombing back please?

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