Tuesday, December 14, 2010

The Older I Get

The less I care about family secrets. I mean, if the Universe is around for 14 billion years, do you REALLY think anyone gives a shit about you? It's an incredible thing, right?

I am descending. At some point, I did something wrong - I never figured out how to grow up. The end is piling up on me now. It's all closing upon me. I've done everything wrong.

I am looking to save my own life.

I'm obsessed with death - there is a hellhound on my trail, but I don't wanna die this young. I gotta make something outta my life. I have to be great. But he is nipping at my ankles. And it's a fucking terrible feeling. I'm scared to go to sleep. I don't want to waste a minute. I'm scared to turn out the lights. My heart is pounding, and I'm terrified each beat will be my last. I don't want to die.

A flicker is all we get in this universe. I'm amazed we're all in it right now. The fact that we're all on the planet together right now is extraordinary.

I am scared to go to sleep.

1 comment:

ereiberg said...

Xmastime, like Snodgrass is walking through the universe.

And, seriously Ambien is good stuff, especially if you're bangin' out Ms. Coochitel. Also for anxiety related sleep disorder, I can only attest to the latter.