Thursday, December 30, 2010

Question, III

Team Sully HERE asks "What book, album, film or magazine article has made the biggest impact on your life or how you see the world? Why?"

My album HERE. My book HERE.

Thinking of a movie that's had much of an affect on me is harder. I've see a million movies, there's always one on tv, but they don't seem to have the staying power that books or albums do. Or maybe they do, who the fuck knows. Here's a list of movies I saw in the last decade, and while some of them are great and I've repeatedly enjoyed them, I don't know if any of them have really affected my life, or way of thinking about or seeing the world. I also lean more towards documentaries when it comes to actually being "moved" - for instance, I doubt I'll see a Hollywood flick anytime soon that means as much to me as, say, the Magic/Bird HBO doc.

Although I do remember storming out of the theater after watching Philadelphia, seething with rage that anyone could be treated that way. I don't really know why, looking back. I'm not really sure it was a great movie to begin with, plus, I was only 20 or 21, so part of it might have had to do with youthful idealism and all that crap. I mean, at the time I was the BMOC and had a hot girlfriend that worshipped the ground I walked on, so it's hard to believe I could really get that worked up about a movie.

Sigh. I was such a good-looking, young idealistic cat. Now I'm just good-looking. And that makes me sad  :(

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