Wednesday, February 09, 2011

Checking in on Sistatime!

Sistatime! says it's okay to write about her, as long as I "don't name any of my suitors."

"Suitors"? Wtf? Is she in a Jane Eyre novel?

Sistatime!'s bent out of shape about the Black Eye Peas having the onions to cover I've Had the Time of My Life from the Dirty Dancing soundtrack for their latest single.  As she said, "Have a little fucking respect for Patrick Swayze, goddammit!"

She also told me that as I get older I'll have an advantage when it comes to women, thanks to my "'fro", since other dudes will be going bald.  "Just hang in there long enough for everyone else to go bald."  Nice!  Thanks, Sistatime!

Speaking of hair, she also mentioned that Jimmy the Barber still has his shop in town.  31 years now. Incredible.


mamalizza said...

umm, jane eyre didn't have many suitors. get your shit straight asshole!!! don't fuck with my favorite book of all time.

Xmastime said...

oh? done with "Lit" already?

ba -ZZZZZZZINGAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

mamalizza said...

that doesn't even make sense.