Friday, March 11, 2011

Hugs, Not Drugs.

This person HERE is ranting against the hug.

I get her point, the hugging every time a simple nod will do does become absurd.  But I'm a hugger.  Unfortunately, while I'm a good hugger once the commitment to the hug has been made, I'm awful in those seconds leading up to the hug:
7) I am terrible at greeting women when they walk into a room. I never know whether to get up and do the ol’ fake-cheek kiss, get up and shake their hands, hug, no idea. So I usually do that thing where I crouch about 8 inches above my chair, hover back and forth for a few seconds, then panic and sit back down. Meanwhile every other dude moves effortlessly and glides in graciously doing the right thing. I’m an asshole sitting in my chair; so now I have to pretend to be distracted, like I didn’t see her. Cause I’m…retarded. ANYways. I’m almost 34 years old, you’d think I’d know how to greet a lady when she enters a room. Christ. I guess my big fear is I’ll go in for the kiss and all of a sudden she’ll be horrified, and scream that I’m disgusting and embarrass me in front of everyone. Sigh. Life 2,788 Xmastime 0.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

put your hand out and go in for a light shake. If you have met her before you can shake her hand and give her a little hug, but if you've had the pleasure of her company on more than one occasion and share a mutual friend a light kiss on the cheek is okay. Don't kiss her hand unless you have a certain chemistry which she'd understand.