Thursday, April 14, 2011

Revolution in the Air

I'm a big fan of Jamie Oliver going around to schools trying to get kids to not be 400lbs by having cafeterias serve them something other than deep-fried chicken skins smeared with melted-down sausage pizzas, so I saw the premiere of this season's Food Revolution the other night.  Like last year's show, I don't understand why there's such controversy.
I know it being a tv show means there has to be some drama, but I really don't know why his trying to get the kids to be fed healthy, fresh food would be met with resistance from the town. I know that as a parent you might be too harried to cook healthy meals at home, and are helpless to do much better than fast food etc most nights of the week. But if someone steps in and offers to do it for you, I would think that unless you own stock in Tyson's frozen chicken or chemical preservatives you'd be perfectly happy with the effort.
All he really tries to do in the first episode is suggest the kids only be allowed to drink regular milk instead of strawberry or chocolate milk.  As I wrote HERE, this shouldn't be that difficult: drink the regular milk, or go fuck yourself, you little shit.  His pleas fall upon deaf ears, since while we have no problem telling kids what to do or read or watch, not letting them eat buckets of lard puffs is an affront to freedom and Jesus.

Of course, the REAL show should be Sarah Palin battling him at these school; him trying to infuse fresh vegetables to the school menus, her bringing cupcakes to every class and having Bavarian cream come out of the water fountains.  Shooting cheesesteaks out of those things cheerleaders shoot t-shirts out at basketball games, maybe.

Oh, and Jamie?  I love ya buddy, but if you're gonna do a show like this, you can't have that second chin.

Also, don't sleep on THE LUNCH LADY!

1 comment:

The Gnat said...

I watched the show and am glad that Jamie is no longer the Naked Chef. He has become tubsy, wubsy. At least he knows where his meat comes from.