Friday, April 22, 2011

The Romney Paradox

The 2012 GOP field with it's roster of ass clowns is so wonderfully made up, I'm starting to wonder if we're being punk'd - it's TOO funny, right?  Besides the crazies and the beyond dullards and the way that facts don't matter to any of them, plus they're all going to have to insinuate racism to keep their bases happy, there's only one in the bunch who could be considered as a somewhat serious candidate, and yet just to give us some icing on the cake, the GOP has made it so that Romney will have to spend every waking minute of his campaign distancing himself from his greatest achievement, healthcare in Massachusetts.  It's like Michael Jordan trying to convince people to choose him for their pickup basketball team not because he was maybe the greatest player of all time, but in spite of it.

The thing about the entire ordeal is that one group of people who are happy with what Romney did in Massachusetts are...people that live in Massachusetts.  It's not as if Romney's health care plan is looked back on as "The Great Disaster of 2006"; nobody's saying "he pulled a Romney!" every time someone shits the bed.  People were given an opportunity to purchase affordable healthcare, and they did, and most people are perfectly fine with it.

Which isn't to say Romney can't now simply say "Hey, it worked for Massachusetts, but I'm not saying it can work for the entire country," or some shit like that.  After all, Massachusetts is used to be well-taxed, unlike those states living in a fog of fantasy that one day taxes will disappear, or that don't understand more taxes should equal better public services at al.  The point is, Romney should be able to point out one of his greatest successes on his resume as a way of showcasing how competent he may be, without people assuming that there's 100% he's gonna do the same as president.  After all, John McCain spent about 110% of the time during his campaign reminding us that he had been a POW, and almost nobody assumed it meant that as soon as he was sworn in he'd tie himself up in the White House basement and get hit with a stick by Arnold from Happy Days for four years.

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