Friday, August 05, 2011

Is Rick Perry Going to Piss God Off?

Notwithstanding the fact that it's an absurdly transparent farce whose purpose is to get stupid people to support his presidential run, I don't really understand why Rick Perry's big prayer meeting to get God to save the economy is really necessary.  Do we really think that God can swoop in and do such a thing, but is just waiting to be asked?  Is God the girl at the school dance who's too proud to simply ask one of the boys for a dance?  I thought one of the tenets of the Right was that America is God's magnum opus, and that he's constantly tweaking and fussing over us like a chef with OCD trying to make the world's greatest omelet, ignoring all other countries?  Once Perry starts  performing for any camera that will have him  praying, is God gonna be like "wait, what? WHAT's happening over in America - WHAT lack of confidence in the supply of consumer demand??!!!"  Wouldn't such a laughably fake prayer meeting be an insult to God?  And how are those prayers for rain going?  Wouldn't God say "hey dumbass, I know what the fuck's going on - I'm GOD!  Maybe if some of you idiots would've put through a larger Stimulus Bill or closed a tax loophole for a gazillionaire once in a blue moon, you wouldn't be in this shit."?

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