Friday, August 05, 2011

I Fucking Hate Joe Buck

The Yankees are playing the Red Sox this weekend, and they're in a tier for first in the AL East, which is great; what sucks is that means we gotta fucking listen to Joe fucking Buck call the game tomorrow afternoon on FOX.  Buck makes Chris Mad Dog Russo sound like a Yankee lover - we're gonna hafta hear ad nauseum about how great and scrappy Dustin Pedrioa is* as opposed to the Yankees' giant, non-hustling robots, and how unfair it is that the Yankees have such a large payroll, since of course the Sox have no money at all, but pick up players off the street who darn it, just wanna play the game the right way.  Fucking douche.

* mukluks to Barndog, who will shudder at being mentioned on such a "liberal rag as Xmastime"  ;)

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