Friday, August 05, 2011

Kate vs Pippa

The Sports Guy has a take on the Kate vs. Pippa battle:
Now here's where it gets interesting … the difference between what men find attractive and what women think we should find attractive was personified by the Middleton sisters, Pippa and Kate. Women want men to be more attracted to Kate because she's a princess, she dresses well, she's stable, she's elegant, she handles herself well in public and she's not threatening to them in any way … but actually, men gravitate towards Pippa, and it's not even close. She's sexier, she has a cool name, she seems like she might secretly have some baggage, and also has that "My sister gets more attention, so I'll have to make up for it in other ways" dynamic going that pushes her to another level.
I think he's right in how most guys sees this thing, after all, the first sight we ever had of Pippa was the media going bananas over how great her ass looked in her maid of honor dress.  Hell, she has a Facebook page dedicated to loving her ass.

But personally, I hafta ask again: are you out of your goddam minds?

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