Friday, August 05, 2011

Young Adult Book Covers

THIS PAGE has a list of the worst young adult book covers of the 1980's, and I'm disappointed they left off my personal favorite, Dear Bruce Springsteen.  I mean, look at that thing. 

Incredibly, the awful cover is topped by the blurb on the back, of which the best they can come up with TO PRINT ON THE BACK COVER OF THE BOOK ITSELF is:
The short, easy-to-read format of Terry's letters, the appearance of Bruce Springsteen's name in the title, and the appealing cover will attract many readers.
Wow.  The best thing they can come up with is that it LITERALLY has "Springsteen" in the title, it'll all be over with soon enough, and, of course, a cover that will attract teens who are looking for a book with a curly-fro'd kid on the cover who is apparently jizzing in his pants while for some reason wearing the stupidest boots he could find.  Maybe he lives in an igloo?  And pennants on the wall? Really?  Is "Terry" from Happy Days?

I'm gonna write the "Bruce responds" book; page after page of Bruce writing back "What're you, an idiot?" "Quit fucking writing me!"  "I'm gonna book a show in your house so I can bang your mother if you don't quit sending these fucking letters."

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