Wednesday, September 07, 2011

And in the End

As we all know, Paul McCartney was on a plane on the JFK runway when the WTC was hit on 9/11, and instead of flying back to England once planes were able to fly again, he hung around for days, making what would become The Love We Make:
As we approach the tenth anniversary of 9/11, see "The Love We Make", documenting Paul’s journey through New York in the aftermath of the World Trade Center's destruction. Paul was in New York that day, and saw the consequences of one of the most horrific days in U.S. history.

"The Love We Make" documents Paul's role in the benefit concert, “The Concert for New York City,” which took place after the attacks.
First of all, if Paul McCartney came walking up to me on the street,  I think I'd shit myself.  And I don't mean I'd be pleasantly surprised by it, I mean my eyes would roll back into my head and blast out about five pounds of human dung, which I'd then grab and start flinging around the street while spinning in circles, probably hitting, sad to say, Sir Paul himself.

Also, note how he mentions growing up under the shadow of WWII, and that one way the British dealt with it was humor.  I wonder if he WANTED to say "unlike you fucking pussies, who've acted like a little schoolgirl when a mouse has walked into a room."

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