Thursday, September 08, 2011

Wow. I Mean, Wow.

Apparently Joe Scarborough has taken a break from smugly patting himself on the back for creating the "bloggers are all in their parents' basements wiping Cheetos dust on their tighty-whities" meme (in Scarborough's defense, that's never gonna change until the name "blogger" changes to something cooler) to record a 9-11 song.  Even just in theory, that sounds horrible, and over at Salon this guy has just the right amount of "are you shitting me?"-ness:
Joe Scarborough -- the former Republican congressman who now hosts a basic cable morning show -- wrote a 9/11 song. Why? I don't know. I really don't. It's called "Reason to Believe," and it comes with an insane, Americana-drenched video that also doubles as a parody of horrible Americana-drenched country music videos.  How "tasteful," that Scarborough did not appear in this video. That would've drawn attention away from the message of the song, which is that Joe Scarborough loves America and also wants to be a country singer....At some point, probably before Scarborough shelled out money for studio time, someone should have stopped this from happening. No one besides Joe Scarborough has any interest in Joe Scarborough's dabbling in country music. There was no demand for it. The only "awareness" it raises is awareness of Joe Scarborough's desire to branch out a little.
Thankfully, Alyssa over at Thinkprogress points out what's actually important about this: noting that Scarborough's song is vastly inferior to another song with the same title.

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