Thursday, September 08, 2011


If you were worried Jets fans had run out of reasons to act like jackoff idiots, fret not, since right on cue Fatty Rex Ryan has stepped in with a thinly-veiled threat to Cowboys fans:
When asked if he expects to see Cowboys fans in the stands, Jets head coach Rex Ryan had a message to send:
“I don’t know why they’d be here,” the Jets coach said Wednesday. ”They’re coming into our stadium. It’s probably not recommended that you wear Cowboys stuff, I would think.”
Great.  Because Jets fans wont already have been worked up into a frenzy re: 9/11 and booze.  Of course.

Also, Rex needs to shut the fuck up about "winning this for New York," and that he "feels the pressure to win it for NYC."  Oh, shut the fuck up.  Nobody's life is gonna change one iota whether the Jets win or lose.  Nobody's gonna say "gee, I was so sad about my wife dying on 9/11 until the Jets won a football game a decade later.  Thank you Rex!"  Nobody's life was actually made any worse by the Yankeees losing the 2001World Series, and, as Scott Brosius said, THAT'S if there was ever a fair time for the a New York team to win because of 9/11, that was it.

If Fatty wants to make REAL change in people's lives he needs to challenge his doppelganger Chris Christie to a Sumo-Styled Titty Fuck to the Death; one fewer of these motherfuckers would make a MUCH better difference than some stupid game.

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