Thursday, September 08, 2011

Does David Vitter Know That the Saints Will Be Playing EVERY Sunday?

Yesterday we mentioned David "Sure I bought a buncha hookers, but isn't that Anthony Wiener just THE WORST?" Vitter skipping Obama's speech to stay at home to watch a football game, but now we see that he'll be in DC after all, because of a vote:
“Typical Harry Reid. He’s now scheduled votes that should’ve been this morn 4 right b4 & right AFTER prez’s speech. Pens me in 2 have 2 stay,” Vitter tweeted this morning.
It's admirable how much his favorite football team is more important than doing his job in the United States Senate - his loyalty to the Saints is particularly impressive in these difficult times, when leadership is most needed.  Hey, it's the NFL!  We LOVE pro football!!!  I like pro football!

And then we see what the vote is:
Very shortly after the speech, the Senate will hold a symbolic vote on the resolution of disapproval of President Obama’s request to raise the debt ceiling. 
That's pretty awesome: Vitter can't be bothered to attend a joint session of Congress wherein Obama lays out an economic plan to help our country while it's in somewhat dire straits, including millions of people from Vitter's Louisiana.  But should the opportunity arise to officially tell Obama "nah-nah-nah boo-boo, stick your head in doo-doo!"? Oh, there's no WAY Vitter's missing that.

It's called priorities, people.  They're important.

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