Friday, September 09, 2011

Xmastime's Superslice TV Pick- Watch This Now!

I'm watching The Space Age: NASA's Story, and Buzz Aldrin says that as they landed on the Moon, Neil Armstrong may or may not have shook his hand, he can't remember.

Again, as I've said before: we need to get these people in front of a camera before they die.  I know Armstrong is famously reclusive, but they're 80 now, and they're still alive. - XMASTIME 
I feel the same way about old-timers from ANY field, be it truck drivers or baseball players, just get 'em on a stage talking, and it's fucking gold.  And you're not gonna do any better than Dick Cavett and Mel Brooks, who collectively have about nine million years in show business and absolutely kill it in their HBO special with endless stories.  Mel Brooks imitating Jimmy Cagney fucking still has me pissing myself.

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