Friday, September 09, 2011

Noel Gallagher is Pretty Awesome

It's been argued for decades the degree to which Oasis' music is Beatles-esque, but in reading THIS INTERVIEW WITH NOEL GALLAGHER, there's NO question that Noel talking is in fact Lennon-esque: funny as hell and candid.  Klosterman also points out something I've rolled my eyes at for years re: musicians who jump around like monkeys screaming "look at me!  look at me!" and then have to put on an act of annoyance once people start looking, pretending they're miffed at the attention and would rather be in isolated shack in the woods somewhere making love to their art and eschewing commerce, pretending to have no idea how records are made.  Klosterman:
In the 20 years I've interviewed celebrities, I think Gallagher might be the first one to ever directly say that the process of succeeding is more problematic than the conditions that follow that success. Celebrities have been conditioned to insist that they want their work to be consumed and appreciated, but that they always dread the subsequent lack of anonymity and the vapidity of public recognition.
Do you like it when my introductions to quotes are longer than the quotes themselves? AND I include a link to myself? Me too!

Indeed, Gallagher shows this here:
"I've never understood musicians who don't enjoy doing promotional interviews," he says. "I just can't believe it. I always think, 'Your life must have been so brilliant before you were in a band.' Because my life was shit, and this is great. Even after all these years, at 44 years of age, whenever the label asks if I want to go to New York to do promos, I always say yes immediately. And the label is always like, 'Are you sure? It's going to require a lot of interviews?' And I'm like — I don't give a fuck. You're gonna fucking fly me first class to New York and put me in this amazing hotel? And my wife can go fucking shopping four hours a day? What is not to like about that?
I can't remember the last Oasis album I gave a shit about (actually, I can: What's the Story Morning Glory, same as everybody else) but I could listen to him talk all day.

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