Wednesday, October 05, 2011

The Dark Horse

Tonight on HBO is the debut of Martin Scorcese's doc on George Harrison, Living in the Material World:
George — as I will refer him to him now on in this review, because calling the Beatles by their last names seems too formal — was the youngest of the Beatles, but by consensus he was the most mature. From a shockingly early age, he was a student of life, cultivating the demeanor of an acolyte on an endless pilgrimage to an unknown destination. John Lennon had a questing spirit, too, but his life had a wild, often deliberately comical performance-art aspect that George’s mostly lacked. Where Lennon’s personal evolution was a series of diary entries that he invited the world to read, George’s happened, or seemed to happen, in private.
Here's "5 reasons George was the best Beatle."  I will agree that All Things Must Pass is the greatest solo record of all of them, although I also consider the competition fairly slim.  Also, George almost single-handedly saved Abbey Road from being a shitty album.

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