Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Roger Ailes

Thinkprogress is asking "will conservatives call Roger Ailes sexist for saying he hired Sarah Palin 'because she was hot'?" When I saw the headline I thought well, of course that's why - the only reason anyone, including me, had ever given Sniffy a second of thought is that she's smoking hot.

But then I read his actual quote:
“I hired Sarah Palin because she was hot and got ratings,” he declares.
Does he mean "hot" as in "I wanna fuck her", or "hot" as in "everyone's talking about her/she commands a shit-ton of attention"?  IE, "got ratings"?  Also, Ailes is like 435 years old - do people that old even use the term "hot" the way young people do vis-a-vis someone being attractive?  I wouldn't think so.  I think Thinkprogress will, if not already, eat crow on this one.

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