Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Hmm. Yes, I'm Sure This Stuff Isn't Fake at All

Via Matt Yglesias I see there is a website devoted to the concept of countering the 99 Percent Movement with an effort to divide the country between the 53 percent of the population that has net federal income tax liability in addition given the current suite of temporary tax cuts, and the other 47 percent who merely pay payroll tax, sales tax, property tax, and excise taxes.  The way they do this is of course by having people write stuff down about how awesome! they are and hold it up in front of their iPhones.  They've overcome all odds of course, unlike you deadbeats.  For instance, the one below.  MAYbe everything on there is true.  To me, it seems a little too dead-on for the purposes of the website. I'm "guessing" this site was contrived by either ta-DA! an uber-rich member of the 1% or, even more depressing, complete fucking idiots.  Yes, I'm sure when they're done using you the Koch brothers will be your best friends.

Anyone can write stuff on a piece of paper.  If you wanna fill up some space patting yourself on the back, why not include "I have an 11-inch penis", or "I invented the tortilla"?  Gee, it's on a Tumblr site designed to make a political point, it must be true!!!!

But ladies, I'm serious about my 11-inch penis.

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