Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Lighten Up, Frances

One of the more annoying things of the "Gee, George was so aggrieved" point is that for all his groaning and moaning, there were two people in his band who were under crippling, unprecedented pressure to fucking change the entire culture of art while writing the most popular songs in the world.  John Lennon once said he hoped everyone enjoyed the 60's since he'd missed them, working his ass off along with Paul.  I've pointed out the hysteria re: "They're done!" because 3 months after Revolver, which was such an incredible album it barely makes sense:
…and yet when several months passed after Revolver with no music coming out from the fellas, the public was ready to pack it in. “Oh well, they had their day, they’re over.” While there are many people that still would still love the old records, the general mood was “time to move on.” Of course the public was soon hit with Strawberry Fields/Penny Lane and then Sgt Pepper, and that was it for any “they’re done” talk.
And yet at no point throughout the Beatles years was anyone thinking "Gee, when's George Harrison gonna come out with his next siesmic-shifting song?"  Jesus.  I'm sorry some kids pulled at your hair, but walk in John & Paul's shoes for a bit. THAT was fucking pressure, and they did it with a laugh.

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