Wednesday, November 09, 2011

Joe Pa

I can understand Paterno et al being paralyzed from acting more due to the odd mix of loyalty/fear/legacy/silence, but the university then systematically allowing Sandusky to have children's camps on campus is astoundingly unforgivable.  There's no way Paterno actually shows his face in Happy Valley on Saturday; if he does, the rain of boos should rock the stadium.


Marley said...

Worth the read

Anonymous said...

The university NOT reporting this horrific event to the police is COWARDLY and UNJUST to the VICTIMS and EVERY BOY OR GIRL WHO EVER ATTENDED a summer camp. SICK SAD WORLD. Unfair to the students and families of Penn State as well. I know a man who would turn over in his grave.

Xmastime said...

Is that man CC from Poison? :(

Xmastime said...

Marley: no way - the little bit I've heard is horrifying. Fucking awful. No way.