Tuesday, December 06, 2011

Oh, For Fuck's Sake

It needs to be illegal for ridiculously hot women to do online dating.  For fuck’s sake; all they’re doing is wasting everybody’s time - dudes spending time going after them instead of the women within their own strata of looks, and then the women they’re ignoring because hey, why not take a stab at bikini models? Grrr.  Oh, and don’t try and make me fell sorry for them with that “oh, but you don’t know how hard it is to be approached when you’re this fucking stunningly beautiful!” nonsense. They're just being fucking greedy.  Quit clogging up the playing field for regular people and sending me these women as "matches"; I’ve already downgraded my standards from “thoughtful, funny and kind” to “isn’t in a wheelchair” and hell I’m about a week away from saying fuck it, at least I’ll be able to push her around.

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