Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Paula Deen, II

THIS JERKFOFF tries to make the case that it's not inconclusive that Paula Deen's cooking caused her diabetes:
First, there’s no evidence that a high-fat diet plays any role in causing type 2 diabetes. The best demonstration of this is provided by an eight-year-long, randomized, controlled dietary modification trial involving nearly 50,000 American women, which cost $415 million, making it one of the most rigorously designed (and most expensive) health studies ever conducted. Nearly 20,000 of these women followed a strictly monitored low-fat diet, while the rest continued to eat the typical diet they were consuming before entering the study. The former group ended up consuming about 30 percent less fat, 40 percent less saturated fat, and 25 percent more fruits and vegetables than the women in the latter group. They also ate an average of 364 fewer calories a day than they had been eating prior to the study.
Hey shithead: nobody cares HOW she got diabetes; it's not as if we're all jumping up and down "I told you so!"  Certainly, no one is even remotely SURPRISED she got diabetes.  But also, nobody is happy she has diabetes. What people are pissed about, and rightfully so, is that she didn't tell anyone for three years while continuing to film hundreds of hours of tv shows pimping out the very diet that surely is the exact opposite of someone in danger of getting diabetes should espouse, seemingly until she got a big fat contract from a drug company to suddenly be a spokeswoman for diabetes. And, as Bourdain mentions in his now-famous Eater interview, do we really need to pretend that the odds of her face splattered across every magaine in America six months having "changed my life!" rehab-style are anything less than 100%? And is anyone else suspicious that this announcement almost perfectly coincides with one of her shithead sons getting a show of is own wherein he does Paula Deen recipes, but with less fat? I mean, really?

Gimme a fucking break.

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