Sunday, April 22, 2012

Mad Men & LSD

Obviously, a play off The Beatles:
He was a dentist, but not their dentist; it’s not as if the Fab Four went to get their wisdom teeth collectively extracted and walked out with a tab of acid. The Beatles knew him socially, and one evening in 1965, he hosted a dinner party for John Lennon, George Harrison, and their wives. He slipped some LSD into the after-dinner coffee...Reflecting later, Harrison said, “I presumed, mistakenly, that everybody who took LSD was a most illuminated being. And then I started finding that there were people who were just as stupid as they’d been before, or people who hadn’t really got any enlightenment except a lot of colors and lights and an Alice in Wonderland type of experience. The thing is, after you’ve had it a couple of times there doesn’t seem to be any point to taking it again… to change consciousness with a chemical obviously isn’t a path to self-realization.”

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