Monday, April 23, 2012


8) Speaking of movies, I’ve watched “Hoosiers” oh, maybe 5,000 times. A super-slice, my religion. But it occurs to me every time I watch it that other than Jimmy Chitwood, I have no idea which player is which. I know there’s a Rade, a Merle, a Buddy. Strap, Ollie. I have no idea which is which, and for all I know they switch names throughout the flick. Which would actually help distract us from being bothered that with millions of dollars in their hands the best chick they could get for Coach Dale’s love interest was Barbara “Ugly Farmer Man” Herschey.- XMASTIME
One problem with Girls is that after watching both episodes several times, I have no idea what any of the girl's names are. At all. At least with Hoosiers I knew what the names were, they all just looked alike, I couldn't differentiate.

And she stole "hate read" from me!!  ;)

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